Can contemplation lead us to some Lie

What I thought of writing today, or rather, I would say, what I am penning down today, is something which touched my heart recently. It cannot lead us to any lie. How? We will see. 💓💕💖💜💑💝💞💟

The word, "contemplation."

"What do you understand by contemplation?"

"How do you define contemplation?"

Contemplation is a beautiful process, wherein, a human being makes oneself still, slows down, and instead of running the rat race of desires, tries to focus on just one point- thinks around that single point, thinks and thinks, as long as, things can keep moving. Slowly, as we contemplate, going round and round that point, like we go round the mulberry bush in our childhood musical trysts, everything blurs out and what remains, is the object and the subject. The object is me and subject is the topic on hand. It is similar to a prayer. When we pray, slowly our focus, penetrates beyond our understanding, our cerebral habits and touches a deeper chord, an invisible one. The one which we cannot see, as we do not see many things. None of us know, many things, exactly speaking, a scientist also has no knowledge if in future his findings would be challenged by something else.
It is because nothing is certain and stagnant, everything is moving from one point to another, if our lives complete a circle and two points meet again, then a round circle is formed, around   us, and as these two points move towards each other, they merges as one, moving together with an unified identity forever, moving together.
But, if these two points begin moving in directions different from the point of origin, different circles are formed and these circles keep making more circles as we keep moving away from the points of union.
Now, knowing as a point, if you would be moving towards another point or away from that point is contemplation- knowing your state in comparison to another point. Driving forces guiding these two points together or away from each other can be many- love, compassion, liking, dislike, hatred, ambiguity, jealousy, selfishness etc. It is astronomical to know that even negative qualities when experienced on both ends can bind us to form a circle.
Contemplation can be defined as the action of looking thoughtfully for a long time- a deep reflective state.
So, until now, we have tried explaining and defining contemplation. Now, we would try to see if contemplation can go beyond this point and what purpose can it serve us in this world.
Any event, which occurs in our lives, when dealt with unconditional love, and compassion, filled with humility can create a contemplative state. This state is a beautiful amalgamation of all the beauty which we let grow in our soul all that while. Now, the moment of contemplation can serve us two purposes- one, it can show us the reality thus scaring us in order to strengthen us- the way of the mind.
Another, it can fill us with more love, it can repair the nicked soul strands together serving as the much needed glue. It can make us more beautiful, filling us with inner peace, and a very deep understanding, the depths of which cannot be fathomed by anyone except us. The event nad the various moments can be categorised as one which fills us with hatred or with inner peace.
In this season of Lent, we must be at a point close enough to know that Christ must have felt a very deep and profound inner peace to give Humans His all.
The moment thrown at him, could have aroused in Him a realisation to flee from the point inducing pain But , he chose the constructive contemplation.
Let us end with a contemplative thought from our school.

"It takes courage to answer a call,
It takes courage to give your all,
It takes courage to risk your name,
It takes courage to be true."

It takes courage to dare, what no other will share, to be standing alone, one whom no one will own.
To be ready to stake for another man's sake, it takes courage to be true." 


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